Design Philosophy

  • Simple, clean, delightful

  • In 2022, users expect their digital experiences to be usable and useful, it’s how we make them desirable / emotional / delightful / unanticipated, that makes a product and its experience standout

  • Crave the small insights that make a world of difference

  • Fight for the user while understanding biz needs

  • Get the basics right

  • Test, test, test

leadership Philosophy

  • Establish relationships with cross functional team leaders so my designers can thrive

  • Set my team up for success (we not me)

  • 1on1 check-ins - 10 min personal, 15 min current work, 5 min how can I help

  • All voices heard, no egos

  • Be my authentic self – build and earn trust

  • Player / Coach collaboration

  • Positive reinforcement, bolster confidence

  • Always learning mentality

After 17+ years in the field of User Experience Design, I’m still ecstatic that I get to do this for a living.

My UX path started my senior year of college at Indiana University when I was introduced to a course called Human Computer Interaction design. Up to this point my knowledge of technology and computers was all under the hood. To be an Informatics major with a cognate in Biology meant a career path comprised of writing and analyzing code. I had always loved technology and psychology but I didn’t realize there was a whole new world of design that seamlessly combined the two. Wanting to dive in head first – during a time when UX was just getting its legs – I attended Indiana’s HCI/d Master’s program.

To this day, there are three facets of UX that still get the scientist in me excited:

1) I get to be a detective – uncovering the user’s goals, motivations, needs, and mindset
2) I get to be a creative – leveraging the newest technologies to design interactive experiences
3) I get to be an evaluator –  testing and iterating upon my hypotheses

As a UX practitioner, I begin with user and business goals to ensure the complex products and systems I create are intuitive, engaging, and most of all, meaningful. Ranging from responsive websites and mobile apps to software tools and interactive retail, I’ve planned, designed, and tested interactive experiences for Humana, Allstate, McDonald’s, Intel, Diageo, Philip Morris, Kellogg’s, and Purina, to name a few.

In my limited free time away from the kiddos (Mia & Ben), I can be found outside playing or watching various sports. I’m a ‘game’ enthusiast that will try just about anything new. I also love binge watching the latest television series or catching a flick.